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Friday, December 11, 2015

The Muse; 08/12/12

'The resolution was approved on Monday by a vote of 174-6 with 6 abstentions...'

...there's confident, arrogant or dominant, & then there's hubris...

Israeli FM spokesman called the overwhelming global consensus 'meaningless mechanical vote'...

...The UN General Assembly “has lost all its credibility regarding Israel,” Palmor said, implying that as soon as the international community does something Israel doesn’t like, it loses credibility.

One definition: extreme pride or arrogance. Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one's own competence or capabilities, especially when the person exhibiting it is in a position of power.

...& for my 2+2 cents worth...Jewish people are awesome; I love my Jewish friends & family...however there comes a time when you have to speak out, not in opposition, but from deep awareness, recognize the need to switch drivers on the steering wheel, & move into love, truth, compassion, One Love...

...what is that famous statement attributed to pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group?? truly is a struggle between One's who love & the many who fear...

…will our slimey & slippery reptilian brain win the competition, or will our nimble limbic system embrace with the challenge, such that those two converge into the third level, that of mind, & as I then intellectualize this whole exercise, it is by observation, obvious to you & me, myself & I, to muse… that One must also embrace the fear, be reborn as 1+, suchness/dharmatā

…so it flows, in but a thrice, into two, thence trinity, for I Am, less, but equal to deity... just relax as I; your own muse…

...& then Be at One with this:

...why choose anything less...???

...& then back into The All...

At One again...1+...i+...I+...or...4...

This is to intellectualize, absorbed into the stream...

Jews know this, secular & mystical alike, the 2 poles of the Chosen People...

…you know, made in the image of this diversity of One God…

…so many can be seen to be at One with God, or on reflection at One with Dog…

…just for a laugh…because God; the Greatest Spirit, the Friend, is indeed One with man’s other best friend, dogs…from the stars to the gutter, the I Am is…

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