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Friday, December 11, 2015

24/02/13; Bradley Manning petition & WRH suggestion

Impeachment & trial in the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity are the ultimate destination for those politicians who suppress the truth in order to further the hubristic agenda of the paranoid psychopathic death-worshiping war-profiteers who have taken over the corridors of power.

Most of our so called 'leaders' are addicted to human sacrifice in thrall to the power of crazed international banksters, who in turn are addicted to the printing of trillions of bits of worthless paper in a diseased competition to see who can collect the most worthless, illusory $$$$$, whilst the true value of human relationship, nature, & Gaia herself, have been designated for destruction in order to satisfy their fear-filled blood lust…this 2 minute video clearly illustrates the enslavement of liberty that has occurred in only the last few decades by our consumer culture embrace of greed:

Ironically, in a morbid manner, most of these sick & diseased death dealers are fully aware of what they are doing & continue to attempt to desperately control the situation as they dizzily sprint backwards & forwards through the revolving door of the global corporatocracy, even as it spirals further out of control on a daily basis.

NOW is the time to embrace the inevitable!

These maniacs must surrender to Love as the Universal power & share the burden we will all have to carry just to survive the next 100+ years, avoid global cataclysm & the extinction of human & most other species from the planet.

The world is rapidly descending into chaos, but we have the uniquely human conscious opportunity to recognize patterns in the hurricane, find the still centre of the maelstrom, & surf the fractalised waves of synchronicity into a unified, loving future…but only if we are courageous enough to harness our scientific & compassionate genius to this epic task & embrace the infinite power of spiritually inclined community building on a local, regional & global scale.

Can we do it?

The jury is out, but if ‘hero’s of the people’ such as Bradley Manning & the many other brave self-sacrificing whistleblowers who have been targeted – John Kiriakou, Julian Assange, Sibel Edmonds to name just a few – by rigged show trials, persecution & suppression, are not allowed to freely disseminate the truth of corruption & abuse of power in industry & government in the ‘mainstream media’, then it would seem our chances are poor at best.

What can we do?

Independent internet based media must be vigorously supported, ‘truth in journalism’ laws enacted at the earliest opportunity, while early childhood/ongoing depth education & adult literacy programs both need massive funding. We must stop serving the ‘beast’ of predatory capitalism & find a new economic paradigm that fairly shares all types of ‘property’ to thus put an holistic, healthy society first, second & third, by choosing a path of ‘conscious evolution’ to bring this all about.

Only after these steps, as a minimum starting point, are at last seriously & sincerely embraced (many, MANY, more intelligent solutions will be required), will the vast waste of human & planetary resources that pours into the meat grinders of the ‘war machine’, begin to be diverted to go towards the very long overdue PEACE DIVIDEND, to hopefully rapidly bring about a drastic reduction in the extreme yawning maw of wealth distribution both locally & globally, that is extremely, urgently important for a movement towards global justice & equality, to have any chance of success.

Only then will the diseased need for war become recognised as an aberration to be consigned to the dustbin of history, as we welcome the true New Age of a healthy, loving compassionate, vibrant humanity, in One Love & Peace, planet-wide.

From there, we can really get motivated, & reach for the stars…to potentially discover other intelligent life forms & ultimately confirm, beyond any doubt, that it is consciousness that drives the universe…



VDO- The Biology of Belief:


Thanks for friending me Mike. I'm a 10+ years fan of WRH, & often share various items onto my FB page. Keep up the great work you're doing- you are a true American patriot, as everyone who is familiar with you would know!!

By reciprocation, I love Bruce Lipton's stuff for reinforcing self-empowerment & a fantastic VDO link is included below, if you are not already familiar with his ground-breaking long term research into the science of ‘epigenetics’.

This 1 hour lecture VDO is brilliant in showing people that 'personal perception management & control' are VITAL in order to see outside our own self obsessed ego's, grok the big picture, & focus on feeling your way into health, with the result that you can feel vibrant & confident enough to create a new reality, starting with your own physical body, & moving outward into the community & upward into ongoing, dynamic, loving growth from there.

For anybody who watches the VDO, it gets a bit technical in middle for 10 mins or so, but persevere- it's worth it!!

The following is an idea of mine for you to ‘up the ante’ & tweak the interest of more of your Rangers to abandon victim-hood, & pursue growth.

Taking my initial cue from the Bruce Lipton VDO, the following concept occurred & unfolded to me after meditating on the implications of what I had seen & heard.


The power elite efforts to ensure 'the masses' stay ignorant & even celebrate a sense of victim-hood(!!), which allows their easy manipulation, as many of your own posts highlight.

You should consider doing more 'Rivero Rangers' style posts so that people can positively harness their anger, rather than let it fester; a trap which I fell into for a number of years.

But how to inspire more people to ‘take action’ & how could you measure it’s effectiveness?

This could be achieved by turning being a Rivero Ranger (RR) into a challenge to people to do the best/most, say, monthly(?) petition signing/submission writing/power elite confrontation vdo's, etc, etc, type actions, in an ongoing collaborative competition. This would likely over time build another level of online community into WRH as well.

RR's could be encouraged & rewarded by your WRH advertisers giving away discounts, freebies, etc, on their products to the winner/s, whilst advertisers would then take & display testimonials from the RR winners, posting these on their own websites, & then linking back to WRH, showcasing the RR's win with a VDO clip explaining what the winner did, all the while having them holding the product of the company who awarded the prize.

RR’s are then concurrently supporting independent small business's prospering, & thus further inspiring our ongoing conscious evolution as a species.

Everybody can then benefit by the virtuous cycle of positive energy.

A nice byline could be - "Product placement for truth & justice!!"

As we all know, 'personal recommendations' from friends & family are one of the best ways of growing business, & apart from the awesomeness of getting people more involved, the 'new chic' in the search for status, is to be at the forefront of global change for good...and why not?

Status seeking is a MAJOR driver in all warm blooded animal & human motivations, but we can't all be Alpha Males, in the broken traditional sense. Its fine to have a 'genetic imperative', but humans have so much MORE potential than that!!

I would be delighted for people who encourage conscious human evolution, & the sustainable diversion of  money energy away from the oligopolies that are currently trashing Gaia, to be recognised & celebrated as high status individuals.

This is a VAST improvement from having status flow to the current corrupt model of revolving door executives, politicians & banksters that we are currently suffering under, whilst being constantly encouraged to fawn over vacuous celebrities at the same time- why should they have high status?!?!?. Time is well past for change here.

'Energy flows where the attention goes.' 

Everybody is then a winner, & who knows what opportunities may flower from more people synchronizing their efforts!

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