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Friday, November 30, 2007

Inspirational 'be the activist you want to see in the world' video's...if the Gnu's can do it so can we...


Stumbled across this, i think, on

Dedicated to your children

The video brought to you courtesy of puppetgovcom who have several other good short video's in their stable on this never more pertinant topic...e...including an animated version of George Carlin's "THEY OWN YOU" that i posted a while back...e...


pSi :-)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Some of 'The Owners' are listed by Vanity Fair...which risks a cynical conspiracy spiral beginning...


First the article itself (but it sometimes generate's an error...?!?)

It's always fascinating to be illuminated as to who is pulling 'our' strings...e...the list, of course, MUST be recognised as just the opinion of the Editor, however:

A goy opinion on the 'New Establishment' seems in order

While an Israeli, Jewish opinion is obviously required for 'balance' - from The Jerusalem Post, no less

Interestingly, the J Post finishes their article with this comment:

"But while they've excelled disproportionately in areas such as business and medicine, they've often also limited themselves - or been limited to - fields not connected to the public exercise of power.

With the Vanity Fair rankings' focus on leaders outside the public sphere, they may coincidentally mirror traditional Jewish patterns of achievement - and a traditional Jewish aversion to political power."

Not interested in power? An exceedingly disingenuous statement some would say.. according to Wikipedia-land-people, this may not be the case...e...

For an admittedly biased, but i believe more accurate assessment of Israeli - as OPPOSED to Jewish(?) - power, this collection of articles gives a very indepth look at the situation as it is currently being played out...

ANYWAY, the Vanity Fair article itself has generated heaps of comments from the blogosphere, which is not at all surprising...e...

Didn't make the news in the biggest NZ paper, 'The NZ Herald' at all to the best of my knowledge...

Make of all that what you will - the 'Owners' don't care anyway...

And i needn't emphasise, but i will, that i am not 'anti-semetic'; that old canard. The reflex reaction for so many people, sadly...e...

Be re-assured, i am VERY much pro-knowledge, in an 'open source' way!


Israel is of course, ONLY a PART of a very complicated, probably impossible to unravel, labyrinth of power, that even those 'Owners' who have the hubris to believe they are in control, really have no idea about it's true parameters, limitations, & weakness's...e...thus it must be abandoned!

...e...this paradigm of power will end, just as have so many previously 'unassailable' power structures...e...

...e...when it does, The Power Of Love with all it's beautiful variations, will one day be the only power that human's will aspire to...e...

...e...change; it's the only thing that stays the same...e...


pSi :-)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The NEW Cosmology 101...


THUNDERBOLTS OF THE GODS will raise major questions for you about the 'orthodox' perspective of the Standard Model of cosmology...e...

Video is 1 hour 4 min long.


Then there's this new 'E8' formula that's been posited to be the next big hope for the mystical 'theory of everything'...e8!!!...links in so nicely with philerosophi don't it...?

The basic concept is based around the E8 polytope, the highest finite (and nonprismatic) semiregular figure discovered by Thorold Gosset, who described it way back in 1900.

2+ minute video of how it is purported to work & then, for the boffins, if you want more 'meat', read here for the New Scientist background article on it all - includes link to the detailed technical paper Garrett Lisi submitted for peer review...e...

Things they are a'changing in cosmology-land!!


pSi :-)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Kafka's Smoke & Mirrors...bought to you by 'The Owners' for your consumption...


Dazzled by TV is what Kafka was prophetically writing about almost 100 years ago, when observing the effects of the progenitor to the goggle-box...cinema...

Quote from above article:

“Cinema disturbs one’s vision. The speed of the movements and the rapid change of images force you to look continuously from one to the next. Your sight does not master the pictures; it is the pictures that master your sight.”

...& it is this mastery of your sight that the power elite rely on when they need you to NOT notice the bait & switch happening right before your very own eyes as Canadian journalist Barrie Zwicker explains in The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw... ...& George Carlin about sums it up near perfectly when he says about those same power elite:


Why can't humanity pull it's way out of this endlessly masochistic loop?

I ask this of myself, & all people, why are i/we so afraid, so fearful, to fall for the same bullshit year in & year out?

As George says:

- we tend to get assassinated if we do stick our head up to much
- we don't get educated about the endless history of lies that control us today

And on top of that, our food, environment & minds are becoming so polluted with various toxins, that by the end of the day the average person is just too damn tired to do much of anything apart from flop down, & watch the TV...e...drug of a nation, breeding ignorance & feeding radiation...e...& try not to worry about how to pay the mortgage, HP's, credit cards etc, without having to always work harder & longer...e...interest rate rises, petrol price rises, staple foods like wheat & dairy rising; prices seem to be rising so steadily they'll soon be hitting the mythical 7th heaven & become monetarily enlightened!!

...e...all the while, while slouched on couch, the TV drills hypnotically into your subconscious...e...the propaganda of frivolous fluff sitcoms segue into un-reality rubbish, then intercut with the fatalistic fear 'the latest News' brings us of death, disease, famine & war, dramatically followed by the latest superhero cops & lawyers, saving the day -yet again, again, AGAIN - the only respite this! buy that! You can buy it all & there's a money back guarantee that your purchase won't fill the growing emptiness inside you this dross generates day after day, night after night...e...

To sum up the above...


Its an anti-salvation i re-realise with revulsion...e...

...e...studies show we are 7 times more likely to remember, & share, bad news rather than good; &, yes, there is good stuff on TV, but about 7 times less than the bad stuff...e...

Am i falling victim to self-inflicted, paranoid delusional cynicism here?!?!?!

Or fiddling while Rome burns?!?!?!

Or just trying to 'be happy'?!?!?

...e...maybe combining all 3, philerosphi, will grant me the much sought 4th; the state of grace we are all consciously, &/or otherwise, yearning for...e...


pSi :-)

ps - with respect to Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy!

Friday, November 16, 2007

A fun train ride last weekend & a community festival this weekend...


An Ozzy friend, Paul, came over to NZ to catch up with some of his old mates & stayed with us a few days as the 1st stop on his trip. We booked a train ride cause we thought it would be fun & our son loved it last time when he was 1, & now he's 2, he thought it was even better!! Paul thought it was great too, even though it is 'The Rainforest Express' after all!!

So if you ever have a few hours to kill in Waitakere City, NZ, do this ride - it's fun!

Tomorrow we're going to this community festival where i hope to catch up with my bro Aaron, whom i haven't seen hide nor hair of for months...e...this parenting gig completely consumes one's time, & although i love our little man beyond words, sometimes i do miss the 'before kids' simple life!!

Well, once again it's late & the eyelids are beginning to sag.

Part of the reason i stay up late on occasion is cause it's well known that on the boundaries between different state's of consciousness one can find one's most creative juices choose to i'm barely ever using any type of substance to alter my consciousness these days, & i am STILL PROCRASTINATING about resuming a meditation practice, the 'pre-sleep zone' can often be fruitful...e...but not really much tonight i doubt, as i is just plain tired now suh...e...

Any random thoughts to go with??

I like this cartoonist sometimes

"Conscious Media Network" - A good website for 'alternative' interviews with a range of people:

Enough already!

Nigny, night-night y'all!


pSi :-)

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Insanity of Mysticism...


Great quote - in my opinion - from Ken Wilber:

Are the mystics and sages insane? Because they all tell variations on the same story, don't they? The story of awakening one morning and discovering you are one with the All, in a timeless and eternal and infinite fashion. Yes, maybe they are crazy, these divine fools. Maybe they are mumbling idiots in the face of the Abyss. Maybe they need a nice, understanding therapist. Yes, I'm sure that would help. But then, I wonder. Maybe the evolutionary sequence really is from matter to body to mind to soul to spirit, each transcending and including, each with a greater depth and greater consciousness and wider embrace. And in the highest reaches of evolution, maybe, just maybe, an individual's consciousness does indeed touch infinity—a total embrace of the entire Kosmos—a Kosmic consciousness that is Spirit awakened to its own true nature. It's at least plausible. And tell me: is that story, sung by mystics and sages the world over, any crazier than the scientific materialism story, which is that the entire sequence is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying absolutely nothing? Listen very carefully: just which of those two stories actually sounds totally insane?

– Ken Wilber, A Brief History of Everything, Pg 42-3

...e...that's all for tonight...!...e...


pSi :-)