Is starvation from poverty still an issue in the age of obesity?

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Monday, May 8, 2017

Do Not Be Afraid To Go It Alone - Terence Mckenna

When one hears it like this, what other option does one have but to repudiate the 'traditional Judeo-Christian' religion that has over time become a violently tragic abomination, dressed up in sheeps clothing by a good'ish PR team...but has also *always* been that way of course...& so it is thus...repudiated by little ole me myself & i....pretty clear has been this way a long time from voluminous other FB et al posts, & well before the digital era, so finally got around to 'announcing' it 
formally...ipso my vanishing point of an audience...!!...Amen to that brothers & sisters...!!

Also posted this thus on FB tonight...

Do Not Be Afraid To Go It Alone - Terence Mckenna