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Friday, December 11, 2015

Going to throw up a whole lot of posts I have done over last 3 years on Facebook...

...all in one place instead of scattered, spread out & lost amongst all the dross...

3/6/12 F!!! ONCE AGAIN I was writing a BIG stream of consciousness on a FB ‘comment’, pressed the wrong key & lost it ALL bar this…!!!
I just can’t believe I’ve done it again, & this one was an epically AWESOME little easily 1,000 + words of divine inspiration, several hours of writing & all lost…AAARRRGGHH…except for (most of) the 12 ‘mandates’ that I can fairly clearly recall & have recreated below…bar #7 & 10…at least I know I am ready to write, & when I do, some VERY GOOD STUFF can flow from mind-heart to screen…just got to remember to ‘save a copy’ on a regular basis…which I was doing initially, but must have got tired, slipped up, & then…left with only one line…damn…oh, well I know if I’ve done it once, ‘it’ can be done time & again…would like to recall some more of what got deleted, but its 123am now…sigh…it was all inspired by James Samuels FB post on 2/6 with this picture below, & Jame’s comment, quote:

“Gotta laugh at ourselves!

Then get on with designing a better system. Hyper-local exchange systems make sense to me for a lot of reasons, but I'd be delighted to hear your comments.”


(& I replied with what was initially going to be just a brief comment…that just kept on evolving & growing…something like…)

“…it’s all very much about an exchange system, but what we ultimately exchange is what we value, & by reasonable extension our values & ethics  themselves …what is ‘the system’ that we currently suffer under, but a reflection of our personal, family, community, social, national & global ethical values that our dominant culture does a giant mind control mash-up with, refilters & then tells us we wish to live & die by…[see!!! I’ve forgotten almost everything]…but it seems our #1 issue today is the corruption in the ‘value/s system’ caused by greed, & the fear that generates it…the problem with greed is it’s a personal challenge on a constant basis not to succumb to it’s various forms…[nah, quite/very different, but I can recall some of the stronger, more memorable phrases & metaphors]…looking back over history, time & time again various civilizations have risen, plateaued, declined & even collapsed, based on the strength of their values, & their eventual, inevitable it seems, contagion by greed,  & it’s an ongoing perennial problem of value exchange systems that we have yet to grow out of…

[The below is a distillation of what I can/’t remember now, so that I went from lovely theory, to practical application…]

…the Hebrew 10 commandments are an early crude attempt at a uniting value system, which have morphed over thousands of years into todays 100’s & 1,000’s of examples of confusing contradictions on top of collusions that is the ‘legal ethical system’ we all live under various forms of…& just to pick an easy target, take a look at Buddhism, the 8fold path has had 2,500 years+ to mature into a world system, yet it struggles to survive in its birthplace, India…but as a pick of the bunch, it’s one of the best…Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Confucianism, indeed most of the worlds major values systems, are largely in various states of dis-ease & dis-repair, & indeed whilst they spend in-ordinate amounts of time re-inspecting their belly-button fluff, predatory Capitalism has stepped into the breech, & its transformation into a creature that is literally consuming Gaia is a sad, sad tragic outcome of the transformation of the ‘free market’ by rampant hubris…what we have to do is mature past dog-eat-dog Darwinism, red in tooth & claw, onto the next level of One, & what is that…???...all ‘free-thinking’ folks could agree that our destiny as a species is to colonize outer space…(oops! See now easy it is for the worm of greed to wriggle in there…!!!...scratch ‘colonize’, & replace with ‘explore & share’ space)…however, I do trust in the proof of evolution that is self-evident before us, yet it’s got to be ‘conscious evolution’ that will uplift us to the next level of the One… so how do we transform all this destructive energy enveloping the globe into something more positive & uplifting…???…seems to me the challenge is we are now able to interact in a real-time global manner, Gaia is entirely gripped by our species greed,  yet when we look at things from this scale, the scales themselves can suddenly fall from our eyes & we can see that the flipside of the fear of the unknown is…the romantic embrace of the mystery of the Unknown…we need to balance the male destructive energy of Homo Sapiens/wise rational man, with the Femina Sophia/wise compassionate creative female energy, aim to create a new species of Homo Sophia to reflect both the Rational & Creative aspects of the clever monkeys that we are, in order to unify these individually chaotic energies into an alchemical marriage of hope & forgiveness…

So what can we do about all this…???...well, here is a list of priorities as talking points; some idea’s of where we might start:

1)   the elimination of all war & armed conflict,
2)   banish material poverty (made totally affordable many, many, time over by the bounteous saving from passionately promoting peace!!!)
3)   support mental health,
4)   encourage cognitive liberty,
5)   the elimination of cruel & unusual punishment,
6)   the redefinition of ‘success’, ‘sin’, ‘status’ amongst other common cultural constructs,
7)   the redefinition of ???
8)   the recognition that we are ALL connected to all other species on Spaceship Earth,
9)   that the attainment of a loving compassionate life, can only be achieved by personal struggle & sacrifice,
10)                   ???
11)                   that the pursuit of loving compassion in all its forms unites all drafting & application of law/s, via a government Ministry of Justice that equally promotes the harmony of carrot & stick.
12)                   Recognize that the physical & psychic reality we all have a stake in manifests as a Unified Polarity, a synergistic expression of fe/male energy, of you & me, s/he, one ‘n other, our shared myth & parable, your story is my metaphor, our story, my story, mystery…

…& I will never write in a ‘comments’ on FB, or anywhere else, again without saving it to a Word.doc…!!!!!!!!!

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