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Friday, October 5, 2007



It occurs to me, rather obviously now, that since we all live in & share a material world, all that is necessary to locate the nexus of the 'small' self is some co-ordinates...these will do nicely:

1 - height
2 - depth
3 - width
4 - time

...& there 'i' am, in the wound, the scar, that is the navel of my brain-mind...

"The umbilicus is also used to visually separate the abdomen into quadrants. The navel comes in the center of the circle enclosing the spread-eagle figure in Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, his famous drawing on human proportions. This illustrates the principle that in the shift between the spread-eagle pose and the straight pose, the apparent center of the figure seems to move, but in reality, the navel of the figure, which is the true center of gravity, remains motionless.

The height at which navels are located on the abdomen is variable. An ideal proportion of navel height versus body height is said to be based on the Golden Section, also known as the "Divine Proportion" by philosophers and artists. This is a geometric proportion in which a line is divided so that the ratio of the length of the longer line segment to the length of the entire line is equal to the ratio of the length of the shorter line segment to the length of the longer line segment. This Golden Section ratio has a numerical value of approximately 1.618. In other words, an ideal navel height is about 62% of the body height and is said to exhibit special beauty as the legs and torso appear in sound proportion." Wikipedia

...mine own microcosm of the universe, the centrepoint of thine own personal axis all emanates from moi!!!

Of course, all other 'i's' have their own centrepoint as well, & these join into the larger & larger axes mundi of the locale, region, continent, planet, solar system, galaxy, local group...yup, there we are, Milky Way, right smack in the centre...

...& after the local group???

This macro-microcosm, moves up into the meta-macrocosm, & the 'great self', becomes beyond one's imagination & blends into the One...just as the One blends back into the one, we have a multiverse of versions of 'i' all in between & all around, each reaching out for more connection by infinite strands of axes mundi forever within, & forever without...

"Open universe, in the Universe, there are many observable areas(The observable areas are marked as red circles with red crosses on the center), our "universe" is one of the observable areas." Wikipedia

...or more colourfully...

...& both those previous images sorta looks like this...

...which brings us back to my brain; receiving the signal of 'great i' mind...

Constantly downloading the Akashic records to such a vast degree, it's no wonder we are all on the journey of the...

..."Wounded Healer is an archetypal dynamic that psychologist Carl Jung used to describe a phenomenon that may take place in the relationship between analyst and patient.

Jung theorized that there were several modes of communication between analyst and analysand in regards to the "wounded healer phenomena"; a common one being the following example:

The psychiatrist, through the nature of his profession is consciously aware of his own personal wounds. However, these wounds may be activated in certain situations, especially if his patient's wounds are similar to his own. (This can be the basis of countertransference).
In the meantime, the wounded patient's "inner healer" is unconscious to him, but potentially available.
The patient's wounds activate those of the doctor. The doctor realizes what is taking place, and either consciously or unconsciously passes this awareness back to his patient.
In this way, an unconscious relationship takes place between analyst and patient.
Jung felt that this type of depth psychology can be potentially dangerous, because the analyst is vulnerable to being infected by his patient's wounds, or having his or her wounds reopened. Also, the analyst must have an ongoing relationship with the unconscious, otherwise he or she could identify with the "healer archetype", and create an inflated ego.

Jung derives the term "wounded healer" from the ancient Greek legend of Asclepius, a physician who in identification of his own wounds creates a sanctuary at Epidaurus in order to treat others."


...1,2,3,4......the centre of the cyclone is where exactly...??

(most images from Wikipedia, others link anyway - thanx for use!!)


pSi :-0 Agape!

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