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Friday, December 11, 2015

03/05/13; War Free Proposal #2

I'm grateful that you feel it has 'legs' as a concept & glad you feel it's worth pursuing, as I think there is definite potential- thanks Lisa.

...after a period of active_imagination the following's just surfing the intuition wave with a bucket & bringing back a small sample of the Akashic take with a grain of salt...or 3…probably needs lots more editing…

An angle would be to perceive & use 1984 --->1987 as symbolic of 2014----> 2017 in a cyclic way, a returning of the spiral to climb the next level in our re-evolution.

Sometimes/often, it seems to me that consciously co-evolving people are still yearning for 'more', even as 'more' awareness is birthed daily, & 'more' is still ever being magic'ed up.

But more what, & for what purpose?

If we had to choose one thing?

My punt; intriguingly, a popular one…more authenticity, through personal responsibility & authority.

The medium is the message has mutated & now it’s just become ‘media’- 24 hour a day un-reality.

 In the midst of the mega manipulated GFC & the whole wider situation on Gaia, what is certainly widely desirable is to choose more authenticity.

It's fairly self-evident to ANYONE who does even a modicum of research that the tip-top of the pyramid is a (largely/not wholly) corrupted super-elite, supported by a binary base of money & power.

Paradoxically & powerfully, the ‘public’ is also the base of the pyramid.

As was said multiple times at Monday’s meeting we need to wake up, re-awaken, etc.

But it’s all so ‘big’; where to start?

We would be wisest, I feel, to celebrate peoples positively twined emotional intelligence & compassionate rationality, by inviting them into joining the conscious evolution of 2014-2017.

This is a proposed period of 'national conversation' whereby we encourage a NZ wide debate about ‘what’s best for us, & our place in the world?’, with a goal of becoming a ‘violence free nation’, in all the senses of the phrase.

The Peace Foundation (& many other org’s) have been planting the seed for 40 years through schools.

Lets consciously graduate that existing youthful education into the wider adult community that has grown up through this period.

The spiritual taproot is the natural values of children towards fairness & laughter loving enthusiastic fun… that sadly often diminishes as we get older, sometimes somewhat joyfully, consciously enjoying being healthy & well, sometimes lovelorn, cynical & twisted.

Here is another inspiration: The Charter for Compassion.

People KNOW we’ve got to ‘get real’, however many are semi-consciously in denial - I still fall into it - & need but that gentle invitation to grow into what we are meant to be; unified diverse divinity, not just divided individuality; both/&.

People want to have a new temple, as the 'Church of Consumerism' message of 'more stuff' has turned into a cannibal circus.

People KNOW money & power is being funneled to the apex of the pyramid, as it's their money & power that’s’ getting stolen, along with their souls.

Unlike the Germans in the 20’s & 30’s, & ‘Western Culture’ as a whole in the 70’s & 80’s, we now do have near 20/20 vision from hindsight, via the development of the internet in the 90’s-‘00’s, of pretty much ‘what is really going on’.

Now we’re in the 10’s, soon 20’s, & our choice is starkly visible:

‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’

The apocalypse CAN BE a positive unveiling of revelation, as I’m sure Jesus & all the other prophets & saints, East & West have meant it to be.

My deepest sense is that with this growing collective realization, public cynicism may have paused, just a little, as if a cooperative light is slowly being turned on, & people are realising that 'WE all need to do something within the One, intensely important & loving, & very soon,' as the tipping points are all converging.

Just as the 'Limits to Growth' report said in 1972.

However, the un/predictable difference is what is known today, compared to 72.

We’ve experienced an ongoing huge paradigm shift as Kuhn put it, & it's shifted the parameters of what is materially achievable over the last 40 years.

What to do with today's nexus of now, is to choose our collective path.

We’re all in this together on Spaceship Earth says the Bucky boy fan-club !

We're now smart enough to choose 'more' of compassionate spiritualised creation, over 'more' materialised corruption, but we need encouragement & enthusiasm, yes we do, & we all struggle at times.

Let's crowd-source that re-evolving distributed base of public money & power, share the load, & breath into the recognition of the benefits & privileges of our ongoing evolution into Love, for if we don't, well, it might not be pretty...

Well there’s my 2 cents worth, time for bed again…above might be all far too frothy; hard to know…some idea’s to throw around for us though.

If you got to the end, well done…!

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